Coffee Tastes Bad All of a Sudden

When it comes to coffee, it's both an art and a science. When you know the most common mistakes people make, you can fix coffee beans, water, and other things that go wrong.

There could be a number of issues with the way your coffee is being made. Here's a quick rundown of the reasons we'll be discussing in this article:

  1. It has everything to do with the coffee beans.
  2. Your water isn't of the highest quality.
  3. Unfortunately, there is a technical problem with your equipment.

Coffee beans should not be stored for too long. Ground coffee should be utilized as soon as possible because chemical reactions like oxidation might alter its flavor.

When coffee is freshly brewed and served, it is at its finest and most flavorful. Otherwise, the quality of the coffee brew declines over time. 

  1. One of the reasons your coffee doesn't taste good could be the coffee beans you're using. Coffee beans last longer than ground coffee, but they can go bad if stored for an extended period of time. The same method used to make Arabica coffee does not work with other types of coffee, such as Robusta. If you use the same method, you will get bitter coffee that does not taste good.

  2. Some coffee connoisseurs believe that brewing too much coffee will result in a robust coffee flavor while also saving a significant amount of time. But this is not always the case, as brewing too much coffee will result in coffee that is bitter in flavor.

  3. If you roast your own beans, this could be the issue. Roasting is a precise technique that requires constant temperature throughout. To roast your own beans at home, you'll need to create a professional-style roasting atmosphere.

    Sometimes you can't control how good your roast is. We all make mistakes, roasters included. Grocery store coffee isn't always the same.

    A study of 15 supermarket brands found that protein and sugar content varied greatly between brands and roasts. Even huge coffee roasters struggle to get the beans roasted consistently. Don't worry if you get a terrible roast.

  4. Incorrect Water Temperature:
    Making coffee is more than just adding hot water and grinding coffee beans. The temperature of the water has an effect on the flavor of your coffee.

    205°F (96°C) is the best temperature for making coffee.

    This temperature enables the key oils and chemicals responsible for the perfect coffee flavor to be removed.

  5. Equipment that is old or worn out

While coffee makers can survive for several years or even a decade, no piece of coffee equipment can last indefinitely. They are susceptible to breakdown or wear and tear.

In the event that your coffee remains bitter even after using fresh beans, freshly cleaned equipment, and the appropriate water temperature, the problem may be with the coffee maker itself.

There are numerous reasons why your coffee tastes bitter. The majority of these reasons are related to the coffee beans used, the equipment, the water, or even mistakes made during the brewing process.

Fortunately, with a little effort, all of these causes of bitter coffee can be easily remedied.

If your brewed coffee tastes bitter, check to see if any of the above reasons are to blame, and then use the solution provided to fix it.

What Kind Of Coffee Beans For Espresso?

By Douglas

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Other Questions about Coffee : 

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OCM ( was started in 2007 with the first webpage about coffee machines. And for a number of years, we focused on helping people find their desired coffee machine (we still are helping folks with that! So, if you are looking for coffee machines for office or restaurants - check out the link). 

In 2010, we started getting enquiries on restaurant marketing and we start to help food and beverage brands with their marketing. Below are campaigns and events that we have done over the years: 

OCM's campaigns: F&B Marketing Ideas by OCM 

OCM's Events: F&B Industry events by or with OCM

Check out this restaurant marketing guide to learn more about the many campaigns and companies we have worked with. 

Since then, we have also created many marketing workshops and classes for the F&B industry. Many of these modules are still running in tertiary institutions such as Temasek Polytechnic Skillsfuture Academy and also ITE College East COC classes, below are some snippets of our lectures and workshops: 

OCM’s F&B workshops: Food and Beverage Marketing Lectures | Workshops - click to watch classes on customer journey map, JTBD and more. 

So, if you are looking for industry practitioners to help you scale your coffee or F&B businesses, do drop us a message or book an appointment. Do also check out our various social media platforms on regular F&B and coffee market updates: 

For regular coffee (F&B) related videos: OCM Youtube

For Daily Coffee Inspiration (fun coffee content): OCM IG

For insights into the coffee (F&B) industry: OCM LinkedIN 

PS: For the coffee lovers, we continue to share coffee articles (and videos) and have also started a free coffee class section (with free online coffee training supported by coffee partners).

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