How to market coffee products using just Instagram Content.

  1. How to find the right content from hashtags or accounts that do well in their outreach using content. 
  2. Creating or Curating the content: You can create/curate the content following the “style” of what works best during your search. 
  3. Pivot or Repeat: Despite the best research, not all the content uploaded will work, repeat the same format if it works, pivot (change) if it does not. 

This is an ongoing test that we do on the OCM IG account to suss out good content that gets optimum reach and even grow the community. 

How to market coffee products - using Instagram for more reach & followers. The one key thing to remember while running a coffee business is a customer, everything should be planned according to this key variable. So you might want to: 

  • Get more walk into your coffee shop. 
  • Selling lots of coffee through online delivery. 
  • Selling merchandise like coffee beans, coffee machines etc online. 

And before getting all of the above, you will need them (potential customers) to know about your business. And so, you need awareness, more people to know more about your coffee products. 

To do that, in your marketing plan, as part of your marketing strategy, you would use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, email marketing etc. 

Today, as the blackboard depicts, we would share how to use Instagram to get more reach and how to use this social media platform to draw them into your community of coffee lovers. 

In the video below, you can see how we reach more than 100K audience with just content on Instagram with no advertisement. 

And in this video, we break down the steps on how we find the content that helps us reach our audience (100K) and grow our community. 

If you are interested in articles similar to this “how to market coffee products”, check out our restaurant marketing page, where we share the many food and beverage campaigns we have done. Or, drop us a message to chat on how we can value add to your F&B marketing campaign. 

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About US | OCM Profile

OCM ( was started in 2007 with the first webpage about coffee machines. And for a number of years, we focused on helping people find their desired coffee machine (we still are helping folks with that! So, if you are looking for coffee machines for office or restaurants - check out the link). 

In 2010, we started getting enquiries on restaurant marketing and we start to help food and beverage brands with their marketing. Below are campaigns and events that we have done over the years: 

OCM's campaigns: F&B Marketing Ideas by OCM 

OCM's Events: F&B Industry events by or with OCM

Check out this restaurant marketing guide to learn more about the many campaigns and companies we have worked with. 

Since then, we have also created many marketing workshops and classes for the F&B industry. Many of these modules are still running in tertiary institutions such as Temasek Polytechnic Skillsfuture Academy and also ITE College East COC classes, below are some snippets of our lectures and workshops: 

OCM’s F&B workshops: Food and Beverage Marketing Lectures | Workshops - click to watch classes on customer journey map, JTBD and more. 

So, if you are looking for industry practitioners to help you scale your coffee or F&B businesses, do drop us a message or book an appointment. Do also check out our various social media platforms on regular F&B and coffee market updates: 

For regular coffee (F&B) related videos: OCM Youtube

For Daily Coffee Inspiration (fun coffee content): OCM IG

For insights into the coffee (F&B) industry: OCM LinkedIN 

PS: For the coffee lovers, we continue to share coffee articles (and videos) and have also started a free coffee class section (with free online coffee training supported by coffee partners).

Singapore Online Food Delivery Market Size Report

Learn about the traffic and strategy of the key food delivery platforms in Singapore (updated weekly):

Singapore Online Food Delivery Market Share (access report here) 

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