Any specific coffee bean to use?
There are different types of coffee beans that can be found in the market. These coffee beans are grown in different countries.
Well, the only difference in each coffee bean is the flavor and aroma.
With the fme2-14 coffee maker that I use, I can say that there are limited types of coffee beans that you can brew with it. Why?
This is because there are different models of fme2-14 coffee maker that you can purchase. These models are the fme2-14 French roast scented and the Hazelnut scented coffee maker.
However, you can still brew coffee with these models using the Arabica type of coffee beans.
It can maximize full flavor and the taste of Arabica is still there. Besides this, you cannot make espresso using the coffee maker.
The good thing about the coffee maker using coffee beans like Arabica, Robusta and Tanzanian Peaberry is it maximizes the aroma and flavor as well because it has a flavor and aroma control.
It also has a dual filter system to filter out heavy minerals and chlorine in the water. Well, this is a great deal for me since it makes coffee even more flavorful and true to the taste.
The coffee maker also has a cascading brew head for even extraction. You can even leave the coffee machine as you do other chores because it has an audible signal when your coffee is ready.
In general, I would suggest that you should buy this coffee machine. The main reason is you can brew flavorful coffee beans with it.