Best Pump Driven Espresso Coffee Maker to Start With
by Jack
Best Pump Driven Espresso Coffee Maker to Start With
If you're looking for an affordable pump driven espresso coffee maker to start with, the DeLonghi EC155 might suit the bill for you.
It's affordable, probably the most inexpensive pump driven espresso maker. It brews up to 2 cups of espresso.
It's pretty small, and won't consume too much countertop space. It makes great espresso, and great crema as well.
It has a large water tank, and it will probably take you 8 to 10 shots before you need to refill it.
Remember that this is inexpensive, so it's going to have a few shortcomings. For one, you can only put a small cup under the spout.
Anything taller than that won't fit. The frothing wand is pretty short too, around 3 1/4 inches from the countertop. If you can get a frothing cup about that height, then this won't be too much of a bother.
Overall, this is a pretty decent machine for its price.