Better Than The Starbucks Espresso Machine

by Hannah

Better Than The Starbucks Espresso Machine?

Better Than The Starbucks Espresso Machine?

My husband has been looking for the perfect espresso machine. One that will be able to give him coffee just like what Starbucks Espresso Machine can give him. Read more about other espresso maker with that link...

You should see him asking the barista what was the espresso machine they use. Silly me but I did not hear the answer to the question of my husband.

Anyways, what my husband bought was a Saeco Talea Giro Automatic Espresso Machine. I just am not sure if its the same one being used over at Starbucks.

What I love about the Saeco Espresso Machine is the fact that it simple, stylish and it can make any kind of coffee that I am feeling at the moment.

So I can make an espresso, cappuccino, mochas, lattes and other coffeehouse drinks with just one push of a button.
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