Can beat any home espresso machine
by Lex
Mypressi Twist
Can beat any home espresso machine as good as the mypressi?
If you were to ask me, I will anwswer you that I think nothing will beat the mypressi as of this time.
The mypressi coffee machine is a very good coffee machine that is very affordable and very portable.
To think that this is just a small contraption that looked more like a toy than a coffee maker.
I first encountered this amazing coffee machine when I went to a friend’s house and when we ate a sumptuos dinner, for dessert, she served us an amazing coffee and this was made from the mypressi she had just bought.
At first I did not think that the small contraction was a coffee maker, but when she mentioned that it was, I was not expecting that this would make good coffee.
So when she served us this espresso made from the machine, I was really happy that it tasted like it came from starbucks. The taste was so strong and pure and so delicious.
You could not imagine a coffee maker of that size and appearance could produce a top class coffee. That is why this is my favorite of all coffee makers.