Capresso 454 CoffeeTEAM Coffee Maker
by Chloe
Capresso 454 CoffeeTEAM Coffee Maker
Sleek and stylish that is what you will notice first with this coffee maker. But this coffee machine is not just a coffee machine unlike others.
It is also a conical burr grinder. So you can buy a bag of coffee beans, pour it into the grinder, program the time and the amount of coffee to be ground and this innovative coffee make slash coffee grinder will do all the work.
All you got to worry about is for how many people will you make coffee for. It makes up to 10 cups of coffee. It also has an automatic shut-off feature that will heat your coffee for two hours after brewing after that it will shut off automatically.
This is one high-tech coffee machine. A coffee machine that everybody wants but only a few has.
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