Coffe and My Asthmatic
by Austin G Elliott
(London, On. Canada)
In the early 1970's hippies in a park. This the group of people i learned from, that coffee could help an asthmatic, i was 12 than.
It was then i had my first cup of coffee, balck at that. I thought that is bitter, untill i was told to try it with milk and sugar, MMMMMM it was better.
As the years went by i would end up enjoying a steming cup of Black Coffee. I did not get to use coffe on someone with asthma, until my daughter was born.
when she was a bout two years of age she became a asthmatic ,and would have be rush out the nearest Hospital and have her put on ventalin with a mask.
It was that month i Told my wife about cold and hot Black Coffe being used to treat people with asthma. So we started giving our daughter Cold Black Coffee. This over a time helped in the reduction of the amount of ventalin she used. She is now 22 years old.
To this day we have allowed all our children and Grandchildren to partake in the ritual of drinking coffee,as it turned one of the Grandsons became an asthmatic. and He was put on to Cold Black Coffee. This treatment was successful in him cutting back on reliance of puffer. He 5 years old now and has had huge reduction in using his Ventalin. Of course their in intake was regulated by Myself and his Grandmother.
Who is whole other love story and the many mornings sitting inside or out on the deck in the early morning light Enjoying our first cup of Coffee. All those years using what ever coffee maker that was available.I am 51 years old and still love my coffe with the children and wife.