Coffee Pots That Goes WIth A Capresso MT500 400 Plus Coffee Maker
by Jackson
One of the reasons why I like the Capresso MT500 400 Plus Coffee Maker is because of the coffee pot that comes with it.
It has a stainless steel thermal vacuum carafe that can keep the coffee hot for 4 hours.
It has an easy to clean polished surface (that you can use as a mirror when you are waiting for your cup of coffee).
It can brew up to 10 cups of coffee in just 8 minutes or maybe even less. It has a drip stop which allows us to pour a cup while brewing.
It is the most quiet coffee maker there is.
Basically those who have tried this coffee maker fell in love with it and it would seem that the Capresso is maintaining the number 1 position of being the favorite coffee maker of all time.
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