Hamiliton Beach Brew Station
by Kimberly Thomason
(Clarksville, TN, USA)
Hamiliton Beach Brew Station (10 cup)
I had my first Hamiliton Beach Brew Station which was a 12 cupper. I fell in love instantly with it since this machine doesn't burn or scorch the coffee ever.
It stays fresh and hot for 2 hours but you can hit the on/off button and it will reset the 2 hr setup deal. Which is what I do but normally by 2 hrs its all pretty much gone anyway.
This machine is easy to use, clean and take care of. You can get the newer programmable one with the digital clock which is what I now have and setup everything the night before so that its ready to do itself the next day.
You can buy replacement parts and the entire machine can be bought at Walmart for less than $40.00.
Great machine, great coffee taste and experience and great deal for those of us on a budget and always on the go.
They also have the travel cup brew system for those who commuter. Hamiliton Beach makes a darn good cup of coffee. Delicious and inexpensive even when you use regular coffee and not the name brand stuff like Starbucks, ect. Works for my family and friends.