I have been using this braun coffee grinder almost twice a week

by Ginger

Braun KSM2-BLK Aromatic Coffee Grinder

Braun KSM2-BLK Aromatic Coffee Grinder

For nearly five years, I have been using this braun coffee grinder almost twice a week and till now, I still love this machine.

It makes really good coffee grounds and it even grinds some of the spices I use for cooking.

This grinder won't win any fashion awards, but it's simple to use, easy to clean, and durable. If it has a shortcoming, it would be its tendency to overgrind beans, producing a fine power that gets by my gold-mesh cone.

After grinding my coffee beans, it is best to use a coffee percolator to brew your coffee.

This is what I do every morning, percolator tends to make the best tasting, strong and full flavored coffee that any machine coffee maker can't deliver.

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