I still prefer using my Chemex coffee maker

by Edvie

This is one great buy. I love this coffeemaker and the features are very easy to use.

The coffee it makes is really awesome and it looks really good.

My only critique would be that the grey plastic piece used to house the control buttons is made from an inferior plastic that becomes brittle overtime and breaks.

I have tried emailing the company and trying to call their main branch, but until know I have not received message from them yet.

Although this is a great product, I still prefer using my Chemex coffee maker. The taste made from the chemex is very similar to that of Starbucks and other top coffee shop.

It is so much better brewing coffee the old school way.

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Jul 26, 2011
Chemex fan

Did you know that chemex made a brewer? A friend has one and it really helps to make a consistent cup of coffee and eliminates standing over the pot to brew.
Besides, it looks cool...

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