Is bunn consider an italian coffee maker, what is an italian brewer anyway?

by Paul

Bunn Coffee

Bunn Coffee

Is bunn consider an italian coffee maker, what is an italian brewer anyway?

I don’t think that bunn could be considered and italian coffee maker as in the first place, it is not made in italy but, made from US.

But anyway, the bunn is one of the most trusted brands of coffee makers in the market to day and it is known for its durability and how quick it makes coffee.

Also most importantly, it makes coffee of top quality that is even comparable to the famous coffee shops in the metro.

That is why it is the only brand that I trust and use at home.

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Sep 03, 2015
reply NEW
by: Antony

It is true that the Bunn coffee maker is made in the United States. Many people wrongly believe that the Bunn is a Italian product, but I don’t know why they believe so. Maybe because of the efficiently and durability of the product. cheese graters

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