My Collection Of Coffee Machines
by Madison
My Collection Of Coffee Machines
Traveling is one thing that I cannot live without. Do you know that instead of collecting refrigerator magnets or key chains, I collect coffee machines.
I look for the cheap machine in the area where I am at and I buy it and bring it home. I have a whole shelf dedicated to my collection. Actually, I do not only look for the cheap machine but I get the best value brewer in the area.
My coffee machines do not only serve as collection memorabilia but I also use them to brew coffee. So I have a schedule for each one like for week 1 I use my bunn's coffee, the next week I use my mr coffee and so on and so forth. I actually look forward to it. Call me weird but I love it.
The latest coffee machine that I bought was my Mr. Coffee HCLF Cafe Motion Hot Drink Maker. It was not only cheap but it had given me what I needed at this time which is versatility. I can make coffee or whatever hot drink I need at the moment.
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