Not as healthy as cold brew, almost an espresso coffee

by Willie

Mypressi Twist

Mypressi Twist

Not as healthy as cold brew, almost an espresso coffee this is why I definitely love my mypressi twist that I have just bought at the mall a few days ago.

In the past, I have been an instant coffee drinker and I did not mind the taste of the coffee, as long as it is strong, I would not mind at all, I just add a few more teaspoon of the coffee powder and it tastes good to me.

But the change came when my friend stayed at my house for a few months and she is a real coffee lover.

She has introduced me to a lot of things about coffee and one day, she brought along her espresso machine at home and started to make really delicious espresso.

Which I found strong and rich in the beginning and after quite some time, I learned to love it more and more.

That is why when I go for business trip, just bring along my mypressi to be able to get that same quality espresso without bringing the machine along with me.

Portable and easy to use, but the taste is amazing!

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Oct 01, 2015
Coffee NEW
by: Anonymous

I am big lover of coffee. Every day I drink thrice and the coffee machine worked well for me. I found from custom essay writing company various techniques to make coffee. The taste is awesome and it is equal to the filter coffee.

Jul 15, 2015
awesome one NEW
by: serina

The pressi twist is an awesome machine. I really loved the coffee made from this. I was referred to this machine by you and I thank you so much for referring me to this coffee machine. Awesome and I really loved line brake

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