Prims Espresso Coffee Machine

by Dennis

Prims Espresso coffee machine

Prims Espresso coffee machine

Hi I was just looking around for cheap coffee machine and found really best and cheap coffee machine in the store.The design is just attractive and its functionality is very user friendly. I bought it from the store for just $75.00 . Isn't that sounds great? Ya i know you are amazed. Now lets she what this cheap coffee machines can do.


* Espresso coffee machine
* Automatic
* Auto self-priming Italian pump pressure (15 bars)
* Single or double spout coffee filter holder
* Steam control and swivel milk frother
* Removable drip tray for easy cleaning
* 1200CC detachable water tank
* Warming area on top - pre-heat cups
* Suitable for use with ground coffee or coffee pods (E.S.E pod 45mm)
* Comes with bonus ceramic coffee cups (two)

I found this multiple functionality coffee machine the cheapest in Australia. So hope you too want this cheap coffee machine at your home and office . So rust to the store and get one for your self. i strongly recommend you to have this cheap coffee machine.

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Mar 27, 2009
Possible to get it online?
by: Job

Hi Dennis, would like to check where one can find this deal online -do you have any recommendations?

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