Should I Bring A Machine Espresso For The Teachers?

by Noona

If there is one thing that I was able to do today, I was able to make the invitation of my daughter's 5th birthday for her birthday celebration at school on July.

I was also able to buy loot bags for her classmates and other items. The next thing that I would have to do is order food and make the labels on the loot bags that she would give out. I have around 1 week left to prepare.

Since my husband is new at his work, I know that for this year, I would have to do the birthday thing all by myself.

So I have to plan the pick-up of the birthday cake down to the bringing of all the items at school. I wonder if I should also bring a machine espresso for the teachers. So the teachers will be able to enjoy the cake that I would be leaving them. Oh well.

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