Slowly But Surely, No Money Schemes For Me,rather get a coffee maker

by Amelia

My husband and I spent the entire night listening to my my sister-in-law and her husband speak about the networking business they call leveraging.

I must admit that when they showed how much they made the first month, I was really encouraged to join the group.

Good thing my husband was level headed when it comes to these kinds of things. He showed me the pros and cons of joining as he already had some not-so-good experience with it.

He told me that with the money we will spend on joining, we will be able to buy ourselves a couple of cheap machines. Plus the best value brewer we could find.

It is not that we do not believe in networking. It is more of being careful with what we have earned by money schemes such as these.

Personally, I would rather invest in a reliable but cheap machine such as a Saeco Coffee Machine. You can never go wrong with that with building a coffee shop instead with a reliable coffee maker.

Message from On coffee Makers:

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