Soon -Coffee break would be celebrated as a holiday!!
by Chee Leng
National Coffee Break day?
This is not what I said, but the National coffee Association (in US). Recently, they decided to commemorate coffee iconic position in the US by dedicating a day to it.
Well, I think it is high time they have a "day" for coffee, I mean internet came into our world for less than 2 decade and they have a day dedicated to it, so coffee break that has been with us for so long should have a day too right?
The day has been chosen 0n 20 January 2011, I believe after this, every year this day would be celebrated as National Coffee break day.
National Coffee Association hopes to get all its members to better the buzz about it by hosting a series of events and marketing on it.
Probably something like the Free coffee that Burger King has given out last Friday would be great!
Anyway, nobody hates coffee breaks (even bosses loves it), so it is good to have a day to celebrate it. Probably even institutionalized it as a public holiday!:)
At least, when 20 January 2011 comes, they should give us a longer coffee break!!
(Information for the coffee break day source: National Coffee Association)