The Best Coffee Maker Ever!

by Fab

I do not know anybody who does not love coffee. People who know me know that I am a coffee lover which could probably be the reason why I received about 5 coffee making machines during my wedding. They are still in their boxes because I still love my old coffee maker that I bought when I was still a student and working. It is a Krups Nescafe Dolce Gusto KP210040 Coffee Machine. I bought this for 67.99 pounds and I was able to have it delivered for free right in my doorstep.

The reason why I love it is because aside from it's cheap price, I can make 7 different kinds of coffee and it includes espresso, cappuccino and mocha. So my guests can come over and order any type of coffee that I want which is probably the reason why there are always at our house. :) How's that for a coffee maker?

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