The jura-capresso impressa Z5 espresso machine is a coffee maker from the future

by Bob

jura-capresso impressa Z5 espresso machine

jura-capresso impressa Z5 espresso machine

The jura-capresso impressa Z5 espresso machine is a coffee maker from the future.

At first look at this machine, it may look intimidating, but it is very easy to use. It has 8 programmable buttons.

It has a conical burr grinder so you can be sure to have a fresh cup of coffee all the time.

It also accommodates ground coffee if you don't want to use the grinder.

One of its great features is the coffee/milk dual-nozzle system which can be used in making cappuccino.

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Maintenance money maker
by: jerry Oneal

Machine Z5 is fine except for sending in every year for maintenance. I need a parts breakdown and the ability to buy a hose and a connection/valve and put it in myself. $300 every year for a hose is way out of line. If you can't help me I'll find another brand.

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