The Moka Pot Is The Best "Espresso Machine" For Your Money
by Brian
(Seattle, WA)
Generally, Italians prefer a stovetop espresso maker than a commercial one.
For them, it is the traditional way of making espresso. It makes great espressos and lattes, and it costs only a fraction of what commercial espresso machines cost.
An example of a good stovetop espresso maker is Bialetti Moka Express Stovetop Espresso Maker.
It is made of very durable polished aluminum. It makes 6 2oz espresso cups in 5 minutes.
Just fill the lower half with water up to the indicated mark, put beans in the upper basket, join them together, and just wait for it to gurgle.
There is no need to plug it in, just put it over the stove. Cleaning it is easy too.
Just rinse it with soapy water like you would clean an ordinary pot.
There's a reason why Italians prefer moka pots over the modern
espresso machines.
You don't need to spend ridiculous amounts of money just to make a great cup of espresso.