Was using delonghi until I stumbled upon this…

by Cheryl

Mypressi Twist

Mypressi Twist

Was using delonghi until I stumbled upon this… the Mypresso Twist.

Which is one of the smallest coffee machines that I have used.

I am not really quite sure where did this coffee machine originate or who invented this, but all I know that it makes a really good cup of espresso and when you compare it with an espresso made in an expensive machine, you would have a hard time figuring out on who is better tasting coffee maker.

This is also what has happened to me as I have been a long time used of the delonghi coffee maker, it has made awesome coffee and I have really no complaints about this machine, but it is still somewhat too big in my office so I have to switch to a much smaller one.

Then I researched online and when I searched for a small coffee maker I was amazed that this mypressi coffee maker came out.

So I tried to check out the mypressi and this coffee maker became one of my most favorite coffee makers in the world.

Small and very good!

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Jul 28, 2015
reply NEW
by: Akki

Coffee makers are all over there, and it will be a difficult task to find the one that suits your needs perfectly. The posts that are shared here on the website have helped many confused buyers like me make the choice of the coffee maker. bee suits

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