Yet another benefit of coffee -Protection against Alzheimer's disease
by chee Leng (on coffee makers)
Girl Drinking Coffee
This year, there seems to be a slew of benefits being discovered about coffee, and here is the latest -protection against Alzheimer's disease.
Researchers at University of South Florida using lab rats has discovered that a yet to be identified components of coffee when interact with caffeine seems to protect against Alzheimer's disease.
In fact, according to them, caffeine by itself would protect one from the disease. This is because caffeine increases the GCSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor) in the blood level.
All these probably does not make much sense to you, I guess the question we all want to know is: how many cups should we drink per day?
The researchers highlighted that 3-4 cups is a good insurance against this disease. In fact, they recommend that we should drink earlier, because this disease can be there for years before it is being diagnosed, so it is good to start drinking coffee early.
And if you do not have the disease, what do you have to lose anyway? This is probably the best way to combat a disease, don't you agree?
My $0.02
While, this is certainly good news, I doubt any coffee companies would be using this news to boost up their coffee sales, reasons being these:
1. Marketing watchdog and NGOs strong stand against using health benefits for marketing purpose.
A very clear indication was send out recently in the lawsuit against Vitamin Waters.
They claimed certain health benefits and now they are being sued for misrepresenting.
So, while it is good to share with consumers, printing and touting it as a reason to drink is not a good idea.
2. The ever changing stand of researcher
The thing about research is it stand true until it is proven otherwise. So, while this research might be right currently, it might be proven to be otherwise in the next research.
Thus, in the ever changing world of research. Reading and knowing it is enough, using it to further any marketing agenda is dangerous.
That being said, it is always good to know that drinking a cup of coffee is a boost to your health, isn't that so.
Shouldn't write on anymore, it is time to take my "medicine", I am always punctual when it comes to medicating...