Cafe | F&B |coffee shop demand and competition research | Singapore

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power of market research

Learn more about the event on The Power of Market Research organised by Alumni of Adelaide University. 

**Gain insights into Singapore Industry with a free F&B industry report valued at $495. 

See you on 24 August 1630 hr. (Sign up below)

Free tickets code: adelaide0823

Starting a coffee shop?: Free Cafe Setup cost Calculator

What is demand and competition?

We produce a report that tell you how many people are looking for the terms related to the theme and types of cuisine or food that you are serving.

The report also include a breakdown on the companies that are doing similar concepts.

Why do you need to know about it

You want to open a coffee shop in Yishun, selling cheese cakes, do you know how many people are looking for it? Do you know if there are any competitors doing the same thing?

All this would be covered in the report.

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Resources For Cafe/F&B Owners

F&B Demand/Competition Research 

Have you done your research? Do you know

1. How many people are looking for your products?
2. Who are your main competitors?
3. What are the things (terms) consumers are looking for? 

To run a coffee shop, you need to take into consideration, the location proximity advantage, your competitor's activities, your buyer persona and many others. To start off everything, do you know if running a coffee shop is even profitable? 

Here is a Research Case Study and our take on the profitability of the coffee shop industry: 

Case Study: Are Coffee Shops Profitable?

More Case Studies on Demand and Competition coming your way. 

F&B Planning

From years of training coffee shop owners, our principal consultant, Ebenezer Heng noticed that most aspiring cafe owners are obsesses with their coffee shop layout or and the interior design of their outlet. 

While that is important, we all know that for business to thrive, there is only one critical variable - customers.

Understanding all the marketing elements that can drive traffic to your coffee shop are the drivers that will generate extra sales for you.

After the research, we will customize a marketing plan for your company.

Here is a breakdown on the most current marketing strategy for coffee shops. 

Case Study: Digital Marketing for Coffee Shops

More Case Studies on marketing coming your way. 

F&B Strategies

To plan and implement your coffee shop strategies, you need to know your environment, your competitor and your target audience.

Thus, a key contributor to a successful strategy is insights nad indepth knowledge of the industry - Industry analysis.

Here is a coffee shop analysis done for the Singapore Coffee market. 

Case Study: Coffee Shop Industry Analysis

More Case Studies on strategies and analysis coming your way. 

More Resources

Learn how to start a coffee shop with this free coffee shop business plan

More Food Services Information and articles

Featured coffee brewing method: How to prepare V60 Coffee

Previously: Making Coffee with a Coffee Sock

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Follow's board Office Coffee Machines | Singapore on Pinterest.

Do check out other cool boards such as the one all on how to make coffee and drip coffee.

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Sustainability Practices in Food Service 

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Singapore Cafes Reviews -Can they be Trusted? 

Location, location, location might be a myth! 

Walmart and Walter -The Power of Social Media

Importance of value pricing for Cafes In Singapore

Why Nescafe is still the Largest Roaster in the World?

Everyone likes Starbucks -here's why

Is your Cafe location an asset or a liability? 

Location myopia: why good anchor tenant might not be good? 

Measuring the Location attractiveness index. 

Social Media Crisis Management for Cafes in Singapore

What is a Brand Story?

Why I stopped Selling Social Media

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Free Coffee Workshop Singapore

Enjoy Free Coffee in Singapore!


Choosing: Office Coffee Machine

Free: Augmented Reality in Singapore

The best filter Coffee Machine in Singapore 

SkillsFuture Series: F&B Market outlook

  • Venue: Temasek Polytechnic 
  • Date: 25 June 21
  • Time:9 to 6 pm 
  • Contact us for more details

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